Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm Back...

So what can I say. After getting on the scale and scaring myself I have decided the time is now. Funny, but somewhere in this blog I know I mentioned that this is a lifestyle change and you need to do it forever blah, blah, blah... Point is, it took me 6 months to lose 30 pounds and 3 weeks to put on 25% of that. I feel fatter and like my lean muscle has disappeared. Nice thing is that working out is not so painful. Anyway, the nice thing about this blog and all the tracking I have done in the past is that it has helped me remeber all my good habits. In order to get back into shape and drop to my goal weight, all I need to do is execute the same as I did in the past. I am not that far off, so I give myself to Memorial Day weekend to get back below 175 and to a race day weight of at least 170.

I hit the gym Monday night for a 5k on the treadmill and then the weights. Felt good to be exercising again. Yesterday I went for a 12 mile ride - that felt great. Haven't been on my bike for over a month. It need a tune up bad and I can really use a new saddle.

Today I plan on sneaking in a run, but I can't figure out how to get a swim in.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Things are slow and I am getting lazy

Been a few weeks since I can say I really trained. I started a new job and it is tough waking up in the morning and getting motivated to SBR. I know it is all mental, but the bed feels so good... So does the food and drink; I must say that I have been enjoying life again a lot more and indulging more closely to my far away past than my recent past...

I did run to the gym yesterday which wound up being a nice workount and then I hit the weights for some strength training as well as a spinner for 15 minutes at over 100 rpm....

I did swim last week with the SHTC down at Seven Presidents which was fun, but I have been out of the water since then.

Well, time to get back on the horse! I need a motivator -