Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blog Day 1

Been working out pretty consistently since September/October 2008. Monica (my significant other and inspiration) did the 2 day NYC Avon Walk and trained for it by walking up and down the streets of NYC after work and on weekends for the better part of 5 months as her training. Watching her work out was inspiring and supporting her effort got me off the couch and out there too.

As I began to walk with her, I wanted to do more (go figure-inside joke) hence our joining the NY Sports Club. At first, I thought it would be a waste of money, but I now realize it was the best decision we ever made, especially choosing the passport membership. This isn't a commercial for NYSC, but rather a testament to how guilty you will feel shelling out the cash each month and not having the excuse "the gym is too far away to get to." In NY there is a NYSC on almost every corner, they're as bad as Starbucks... This convenience made it easy for me to get to the gym and now I use it more than Starbucks in both NY and NJ for my total workout - swim, bike and run as well as strength and endurance training. Point is to train for anything it needs to be convenient first. It can't interfere with your life, but instead it must fit in. Once this happens you are good as it will become part of your life and instead of squeezing in the workout, you will start to squeeze in life around the workout.

Over the last month, Monica has given up her apartment and we haved moved into the NJ house permanently. I knew I would look forward to this, but not for all the the reasons I oirginally thought. I thought it would be great to have the space and amenities of home, but instead I am finding that the commute is the part I am enjoying the most. Weird! Here is why... I am finding that working out and training for a triathalon is not as easy as an 8 week program that says do this and you will be fine. Ok, I am sure I will be - I am clocking in 5k in about 30 minutes and 12 mile bike rides in about the same time or a little more. Ok, so they are still indoor times, but 6 month ago most folks that know me would have laughed to hear me say this. Now, back to the original point - why commuting is good. I get to read. Sounds crazy, so I will explain...

When I started with this crazy triathalon idea I figured I would train a few hours a week and done. Well, Moinca got me a great beginners book for Christmas this year (it's upstairs and I am too lazy right now to go get it - haha!) but I will post the name next time. Point is, I read it last week while commuting. The first week in March. For the last 3 months I have missed out on all the good info the book had. I am now able to tweak my training a bit and hope to see new and better results geared more specifically toward my goal - My First Triathlon - The Staten Island Flat as a Pancake Sprint in June 2009.

I joined the USAT this past week ( and hit the pool for the first time in 20 years yesterday - yep 20 years I said. I did swim in HS and was pretty good then, so while a little rusty I realized swimming is like riding a bike... Another great thing happened yesterday also, I bought 2 more books... The first one (it's right here next to me) Strength Training for Triathletes by Patrick Hagerman. Wow! I must say that while I was in the gym and I am feeling better than ever strength training for a tri (at least for me) is a bit different than training to look good on the beach...

I have found a new appreciation for sport especially the endurance part. The really great thing about this new book and my commute is that I am certain I will be incorporating the techniques by next weekend (I should be able to finish it this week while going back and forth to work). BTW, I don't do everything I read. I pick and choose:


Not everything I have read makes sense for a 39 year old first timer. So, I am accepting what does work, adapting what I want to work and disregarding what doesn't work for me.

Well, I am done typing for today. My goal for this blog is to try and document my experience for myself and others. I will add what I learn as I go - my eureka moments as well as my how dumb could I have beens. I will add my workouts as well as times and other personal items. I will also add info from the books I am reading like: what is exercise volume and how to calculate it and the difference between endurance, hypertrophy, power and strength. I will do this because this is a great reference tool for me and maybe anyone that reads this.

Well, wish me luck and if you endeavor to complete your first tri or any goal remember one thing:


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